Scientific publications

Unfortunately, not all publications are open access. If you want to have a copy, please don’t pay for it, just drop me an email and I’ll send it to you personally. It’s completely legal, and I am very happy to do this.

2024Edouard, P, PE Dandrieux, M Klöwer, A Junge, S Racinais, P Branco, K Hollander, L Navarro. Association between feels-like temperatures and injury risk during international outdoor athletic championships: A prospective cohort study on 29,579 athlete starts during 10 championships, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 10.1136/bjsports-2023-108050, accepted manuscript (open access)
2024Kochkov, D, J Yuval, I Langmore, P Norgaard, J Smith, G Mooers, M Klöwer, J Lottes, S Rasp, P Düben, S Hatfield, P Battaglia, A Sanchez-Gonzalez, M Willson, MP Brenner, S Hoyer. Neural general circulation models for weather and climate, Nature, 10.1038/s41586-024-07744-y, arXiv:2311.07222
2024Liu, N, Y Fan, X Zeng, M Klöwer, Y Yu. Harnessing the Power of Neural Operators with Automatically Encoded Conservation Laws, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:30965-30997, arXiv:2312.11176
2024K Hollander and M Klöwer. Gesundheitsrisiko Klimawandel: Hitzeerkrankungen und gefühlte Temperaturen in der Leichtathletik (book chapter, in German, “Health risk climate change: Heat illnesses and feels-like temperatures in athletics”), Ed. Sven Schneider, Hogrefe, 456 pages, link
2024Klöwer, M, M Gelbrecht, D Hotta, J Willmert, S Silvestri, GL Wagner, A White, S Hatfield, T Kimpson, NC Constantinou, C Hill. SpeedyWeather.jl: Reinventing atmospheric general circulation models towards interactivity and extensibility, Journal of Open Source Software, 10.21105/joss.06323
2024Stevens, B, S Adami, T Ali, H Anzt, Z Aslan, S Attinger, J Bäck, J Baehr, P Bauer, N Bernier, B Bishop, H Bockelmann, S Bony, V Bouchet, G Brasseur, DN Bresch, S Breyer, G Brunet, PL Buttigieg, J Cao, C Castet, Y Cheng, A Dey Choudhury, D Coen, S Crewell, A Dabholkar, Q Dai, F Doblas-Reyes, D Durran, A El Gaidi, C Ewen, E Exarchou, V Eyring, F Falkinhoff, D Farrell, PM Forster, A Frassoni, C Frauen, O Fuhrer, S Gani, E Gerber, D Goldfarb, J Grieger, N Gruber, W Hazeleger, R Herken, C Hewitt, T Hoefler, HH Hsu, D Jacob, A Jahn, C Jakob, T Jung, C Kadow, IS Kang, S Kang, K Kashinath, K Kleinen-von Königslöw, D Klocke, U Kloenne, M Klöwer, C Kodama, S Kollet, T Kölling, J Kontkanen, S Kopp, M Koran, M Kulmala, H Lappalainen, F Latifi, B Lawrence, JY Lee, Q Lejeun, C Lessig, C Li, T Lippert, J Luterbacher, P Manninen, J Marotzke, S Matsouoka, C Merchant, P Messmer, G Michel, K Michielsen, T Miyakawa, J Müller, R Munir, S Narayanasetti, O Ndiaye, C Nobre, A Oberg, R Oki, T Özkan-Haller, T Palmer, S Posey, A Prein, O Primus, M Pritchard, J Pullen, D Putrasahan, J Quaas, K Raghavan, V Ramaswamy, M Rapp, F Rauser, M Reichstein, A Revi, S Saluja, M Satoh, V Schemann, S Schemm, C Schnadt Poberaj, T Schulthess, C Senior, J Shukla, M Singh, J Slingo, A Sobel, S Solman, J Spitzer, D Stammer, P Stier, T Stocker, S Strock, H Su, P Taalas, J Taylor, S Tegtmeier, G Teutsch, A Tompkins, U Ulbrich, PL Vidale, CM Wu, H Xu, N Zaki, L Zanna, T Zhou, F and Ziemen. Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE), Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10.5194/essd-16-2113-2024
2023Hoefler, T, B Stevens, AF Prein, J Baehr, T Schulthess, TF Stocker, J Taylor, D Klocke, P Manninen, PM Forster, T Kölling, N Gruber, H Anzt, C Frauen, F Ziemen, M Klöwer, K Kashinath, C Schär, O Fuhrer, BN Lawrence. Earth Virtualization Engines - A technical perspective, Computing in Science & Engineering, 10.1109/MCSE.2023.3311148
2023Epp SM, H Jung, V Borghesani, M Klöwer, ME Hoeppli, M Misiura, E Thompson, NW Duncan, AE Urai, M Veldsman, S Sadaghiani and C Rae. How can we reduce the climate costs of OHBM? A vision for a more sustainable meeting, Aperture Neuro, 10.52294/001c.87678
2023Klöwer, M, PV Coveney, EA Paxton and TN Palmer. Periodic orbits in chaotic systems simulated at low precision, Scientific reports, 10.1038/s41598-023-37004-4
2023Klöwer, M, P Edouard, AM Niess, S Racinais, Y Pitsiladis, F Pappenberger and K Hollander. Forecasting feels-like temperatures to reduce heat illnesses during sport events, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106413
2022Giordano M, M Klöwer and V Churavy. Productivity meets Performance: Julia on A64FX, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), IEEE, 10.1109/CLUSTER51413.2022.00072
2022Klöwer M, S Hatfield, M Croci, PD Düben and TN Palmer. Fluid simulations accelerated with 16 bits: Approaching 4x speedup on A64FX by squeezing ShallowWaters.jl into Float16, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, 10.1029/2021MS002684
2022Paxton EA, M Chantry, M Klöwer, L Saffin, TN Palmer. Climate Modelling in Low-Precision: Effects of both Deterministic & Stochastic Rounding, Journal of Climate, 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0343.1
2021Klöwer M, M Razinger, JJ Dominguez, PD Düben and TN Palmer. Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content, Nature Computational Science, 1, 713-724, 10.1038/s43588-021-00156-2
2021Klöwer M, MR Allen, DS Lee, SR Proud, L Gallagher and A Skowron. Quantifying aviation’s contribution to global warming, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (2021) 104027, 10.1088/1748-9326/ac286e
2021Hollander K, M Klöwer, A Richardson, L Navarro, S Racinais, V Scheer, A Murray, P Branco, T Timpka, A Junge and P Edouard. Apparent temperature and heat-related illnesses during international athletic championships: A prospective cohort study, Scandinavian Journal for Medicine and Science in Sports, 31 (11), 2092-2102, 10.1111/sms.14029
2020Klöwer M, PD Düben and TN Palmer. Number formats, error mitigation and scope for 16-bit arithmetics in weather and climate modelling analyzed with a shallow water model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, 10.1029/2020MS002246
2020Klöwer M, D Hopkins, M Allen and J Higham. An analysis of ways to decarbonize conference travel after COVID-19, Nature, 583, 356-359, 10.1038/d41586-020-02057-2
2019Klöwer M, PD Düben and TN Palmer. Posits as an alternative to floats for weather and climate models, In Conference for Next Generation Arithmetic 2019 (CoNGA’19), ACM, 10.1145/3316279.3316281
2018Klöwer M, MF Jansen, M Claus, RJ Greatbatch and S Thomsen. Energy budget-based backscatter in a shallow water model of a double gyre basin, Ocean Modelling, 132, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.09.006
2014Klöwer M, M Latif, H Ding, RJ Greatbatch and W Park. Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and the prediction of North Atlantic sea surface temperature, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406, 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.001
2013Klöwer M, T Jung, G König-Langlo and T Semmler. Aspects of weather parameters at Neumayer station, Antarctica, and their representation in reanalysis and climate model data, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22 (6), 10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0505


2021PhD thesis. Low-precision climate computing: Preserving information despite fewer bits (PhD thesis), University of Oxford, UK, 177p.
2017Master thesis. Energy budget-based backscatter in a non-linear shallow water model driven by double gyre wind forcing, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 92 pp.
2013Bachelor thesis. Perspectives for predicting North Atlantic decadal sea surface temperature variability, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 53 pp.


2020Klöwer, M. Towards weather and climate models in 16-bit arithmetic (Confirmation of status), University of Oxford. [pdf here]
2019Klöwer, M. Towards 16bit weather and climate models: Posit numbers as an alternative to floating-point numbers (Transfer of status), University of Oxford. [pdf here]
2016Klöwer, M and E Köhn. Solving the steady Navier-Stokes equations with Finite Element Methods. [pdf here]
2016C Sarchosidis and M Klöwer. The influence of low-level wind shear on the surface turbulence kinetic energy production in Adventdalen, Svalbard, (Final report for AGF-350/850), University Centre in Svalbard, 14pp. [pdf here]
2014Klöwer, M. Implementing level set methods into a 2D Boussinesq model. [pdf here]


2017Klöwer, M. Time and length scales of physical processes in the global oceans, PhD application essay. [pdf here]
2017Klöwer, M. Approximate computing in climate simulations, PhD application proposal. [pdf here]