Curriculum Vitae
- NERC Independent Research Fellow, University of Oxford, from 2025 (incoming).
- Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford, 2024-present.
- Postdoctoral associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022-2024.
- Post-doctoral research assistant, University of Oxford, 2021-2022.
- Post-doctoral research assistant, University of Oxford, 2017.
- PhD Climate Computing, University of Oxford, 2017-2021.
- MSc Climate Physics, University of Kiel, 2014-2017.
- MSc Course on the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer, University Centre in Svalbard, 2016.
- Marine Physics, University of Western Brittany, France, 2013-14 (year 1 of MSc).
- BSc Physics of the Earth System, University of Kiel, Germany, 2010-13.
Research visits
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2025.
- University College London, UK, 2024-present.
- University of Oxford, UK, 2015.
- Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany, 2012 and 2013.
Awards and prizes
Oceanographic research cruises and summer schools
Conference organisation
- Chair Earth and climate science in Julia: Power to the user, JuliaCon 2024 minisymposium, Eindhoven, NL (video).
- Chair Phoenix or Cyborg: The anatomy of Earth System software in Julia, JuliaCon 2023 minisymposium, Cambridge MA, USA (video).
- Education and Skills coordinator, Oxford Climate Society, 2019-2020.
- Grand Challenges Seminar on Anthropocene and the Post-Truth World, Jesus College Oxford, May 2018.
- Stumeta, conference for meteorology students, Kiel, Germany, 4-8 May 2016.
- The RainMaker challenge: Atmospheric modelling tutorial. Intelligent Earth CDT, Oxford, UK, Nov 2024.
- General circulation models, lecture for Intelligent Earth CDT, Oxford, UK, Nov 2024.
- RaspberryPi weather stations at NERC DTP Induction, Wytham Woods, UK, Sep 2024.
- MIT freshmen orientation field trip to Mt Washington, Aug 2023.
- Tutor for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics in MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, April and May 2022.
- Guest lecturer for MSc Sustainable Urban Development, University of Oxford, Dec 2020 and 2021.
- School of Climate Change coordination, Oxford Climate Society, Winter 2019 and 2020, Fall 2019.
- Software engineering demonstrator for Doctoral Training Centre, University of Oxford, 2020-2021.
- Numerical modelling demonstrator for Doctoral Training Centre, University of Oxford, 2018-2020.
- RaspberryPi weather stations at NERC DTP Induction, Wytham Woods, UK, Sep 2022.
- RaspberryPi weather stations at NERC DTP field trip, Exmoor National Park, UK, Sep 2018.
- Python programming at GEOMAR Kiel, Germany in Jun 2016, Jan 2017 and Jul 2017.
- Juniper Tyree (PhD candidate), University of Helsinki, May 2024-present.
- Minqi Xia (Master thesis), University of Oxford, Oct 2024-present.
Mentoring and thesis committee
- College advisor, Reuben College, Oct 2024-present.
- Juniper Tyree, University of Helsinki, Sep 2023 - May 2024.
- Ayoub Fatihi, ECMWF Code for Earth, May-Sept 2023.
- Ishaan Jain, Google Summer of Code, May-Oct 2023.
Reviewer for
- Nature Climate Change
- Nature Machine Intelligence
- Journal for Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
- Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)
- Environmental Research Letters (ERL)
- Scientometrics
- Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
- Weather